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CLI Script

php-script is a PHP template for writing a single-file command-line interface (CLI) scripts. It's designed to be a single-file script without relying on any external packages, making it a self-contained program.

Below are some of its main features:

  1. Environment-agnostic: It starts with #!/usr/bin/env php, which helps the script find the PHP executable irrespective of its location.

  2. Usage Information: It includes a print_help() function that prints out how to use the script. Users can trigger this function by providing help(), --help, -h, or -? as arguments.

  3. Error Handling: The template is equipped to handle errors gracefully. It uses PHP's set_error_handler() function to throw exceptions on errors, making debugging easier.

  4. Argument Checking: The main() function looks at the number of arguments passed and throws an exception if it doesn't meet the expected count.

  5. Verbose Output: The verbose() function takes care of outputting messages to the console. An environment variable SCRIPT_QUIET can suppress these messages if set to '1'.

  6. Environment Variables for Control: SCRIPT_QUIET for silencing verbose output, and SCRIPT_RUN_SKIP for skipping the actual running of the script. These can be useful for testing or other conditional executions.

  7. Security: The script checks to ensure that it is being run from the command line and not from a web server, preventing unintended external access.

  8. Entrypoint: The script identifies its entry point and goes through an error-handling mechanism before running the main() function.

  9. Testability: The template is designed to be test-friendly. It allows you to skip the script's run for unit testing by setting an environment variable. Example unit tests are provided in the tests/phpunit directory.

Overall, this template offers a robust starting point for developing your own PHP CLI scripts.

Getting Started

Begin by updating the script name and file name in the script comments. This will clarify the script's functionality for anyone who reads the code.

Next, adjust the main function to validate and handle the CLI arguments specific to your script. You should also revise the print_help function to include relevant usage instructions.

Your core logic will be housed in the main function. Simply replace the placeholder comment "Add your logic here" with the code that accomplishes your task. If you're interested in testing the script before running it, you can use environment variables like SCRIPT_QUIET and SCRIPT_RUN_SKIP to modify its behavior.

You can then run your script from the command line using ./php-script.

Authoring tests

This template includes a tests/phpunit directory with a sample Unit and Functional tests.

ScriptUnitTestCase.php is a base class for all Unit tests. It provides all required functionality for testing the script without actually running it. It also includes several traits.

ExampleScriptUnitTest.php is an example of a Unit test for running the script with different arguments and options.

ScriptFunctionalTestCase.php is a base class for all Functional tests. It provides all required functionality for testing the script by running it as your script users would do. It also includes several traits.

ExampleScriptFunctionalTest.php is an example of a Functional test for running the script with different arguments and options.