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Code linting is the automated checking of source code for programmatic and stylistic errors. This is done by running a program called a "linter" against the code base. Linters are used to identify common coding mistakes, enforce a coding standard, and offer simple suggestions for code optimization. They can be integrated into the development process as a step in automated build systems or as plugins for text editors and IDEs. By catching errors early in the development process, linting helps to improve the quality of code and can make the debugging process more efficient.


To lint code, run composer lint command.

To fix linting errors, run composer lint-fix.

PHP Code Sniffer

This template provides integration with PHP Code Sniffer, which analyzes PHP files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.

This template adheres to Drupal coding standards, which are defined in drupal/coder package. The package is installed as a development dependency.

The phpcs.xml file contains a template ruleset with minimal configuration, serving as an initial foundation for further customization of coding standards. For example, long arrays and missing method name descriptions are allowed in test files.

By default, the linter runs with showing sniff codes, progress and colors.

An example of annotated ruleset with all available options can be found on the Annotated Ruleset page.

PHP Mess Detector

This template provides integration with PHP Mess Detector, which takes a given PHP source code base and looks for several potential problems within that source.

These problems can be things like:

  • Possible bugs
  • Suboptimal code
  • Overcomplicated expressions
  • Unused parameters, methods, properties

The phpmd.xml file contains a template ruleset with minimal configuration, serving as an initial foundation for further customization of coding standards.

The rules enabled by default are: unusedcode, codesize, cleancode

For a list of all available rules, visit the Rules section of the PHPMD website.


This template provides integration with PHPStan, the PHP Static Analysis Tool.

PHPStan focuses on finding errors in your code without actually running it. It catches whole classes of bugs even before you write tests for the code. It moves PHP closer to compiled languages in the sense that the correctness of each line of the code can be checked before you run the actual line.

The phpstan.neon file contains a template ruleset with minimal configuration, serving as an initial foundation for further customization of coding standards.

The rule configuration is set to the level 9 (the strictest).

This template's source code files and tests were developed according to the standards, and they pass this check. In your project, you can adjust the level to your needs.

The full configuration reference is available on the PHPStan website.


This template provides integration with Rector, a tool that instantly upgrades and refactors the PHP code of your application.

Rector now supports upgrades from PHP 5.3 to 8.2 and major open-source projects like Symfony, PHPUnit, and Doctrine.

Rector helps with automated refactoring when you have code quality you need, but struggle to keep it with new developers in your team.

Add Rector to your CI and let it continuously refactor your code and keep the code quality high.

The rector.php file contains a template ruleset with minimal configuration, serving as an initial foundation for further customization of coding standards.

The full configuration reference is available on the Rector website.